About Us

About St. Luke's Medical Center
The mission of St. Luke’s Medical Center is to provide comprehensive and compassionate health care for individuals and families in cooperation with the area medical community.
Our vision is to be recognized as a community leader by delivering quality healthcare through a team of dedicated professionals in a friendly, compassionate, and growing environment.
To improve spiritual, mental, and physical aspects and quality of life for individuals and families.
To develop high quality management, staff, and policy making that promotes a healthy working environment.
To conduct our mission of healthcare in an ethical manner by complying with all applicable laws and regulations.
To maintain a viable and profitable healthcare system.
To be a primary resource for information about healthcare.
To foster growth and adapt to healthcare changes.
To be a patient-focused organization providing exceptional care with respect and compassion.
To be contributors to the community through health awareness education.
Statement of Philosophy
St. Luke’s Medical Center accepts the responsibility upon it by the community it serves to provide needed medical services in the areas of acute, outpatient, and extended (swingbed) care. It pledges itself to provide the highest quality of care as economically as possible. Every effort will be made to meet or exceed the standards set for by the various licensing and accreditation agencies.
It has been, and will continue to be, the policy of this institution to render care to all those requiring our services without regard to sex, race, handicap, age, sexual preference, creed, national origin or ability to pay.
It shall, because of its status within the community, accept the position of leadership in initiating and developing health care programs within its geographic area of responsibility and shall cooperate with all other health organizations both within and outside our primary service area.
It accepts the concept and philosophy that all our citizens are entitled to the enjoyment of good health through the provision of health services and it pledges to always pursue the implementation of this concept.
Core Values
We recognize the inherent dignity of each individual and will treat each person with the reverence and respect. The personal privacy of each individual will be respected at all times.
We are committed to treating all individuals with genuine compassion and understanding, personalizing their care and treatment as they cope with their health-related issues.
We will use fiscal, material, and human resources to provide the greatest benefit to the individuals, families and community we serve. We will be responsible for our use of resources and our care for the environment.
We will be honest and direct with one another to treat each other with honor in a genuine and open manner, while being true to our own ideals, value and vision.
We support, protect, and promote the rights of our patients, residents, family members, and staff giving them opportunities to provide input toward improving the quality of their lives. We will advocate for structures attuned to the needs of the vulnerable and disadvantaged, and promote a sense of community among all persons.
It is the mission of this facility to provide charity care to those people in need and will not discriminate or deny medical necessary care to people based on ability to pay or financial circumstances. St. Luke’s Medical Center’s Financial Assistance Policy and Plain Language Summary is to provide necessary medical care at a reduced rate to those patients who have documented limited resources to pay the facility’s usual and customary charges as approved by the Medical Center’s management. For a list of providers covered within our Financial Assistance Policy please see the Financial Assistance Program Provider List. If interested, please fill out the Financial Assistance Application. If assistance is needed, please view Possible Sources of Assistance.
To determine your eligability please call 701-965-6384.
History of St. Luke's Medical Center
Mr. Renhard Hering homesteaded the present site of land where St. Luke’s Medical Center is located in 1904. In 1914, it was surveyed as Hering Addition to the City of Crosby. Dr. Blake Lancaster erected and operated the original brick structure as a medical and surgical facility from 1915 to 1917, at with time M. Allen Person purchased the property from Dr. Lancaster and leased the building for apartments.
When the Benedictine Sisters of Sacred Heart Priority, Richardton, North Dakota, bought the building in 1938 from Mr. Person, it just had the basement and the first floor furnished; the second floor was just a “shell.” For 4 years the Sisters operated it as St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged. By 1941, the City of Crosby had grown to the extent that the townspeople and the surrounding area communities realized their need for a hospital and urged the Sisters to convert the Home into a hospital; which they did, opening the doors on February 11, 1942. At this time the name was changed to St. Luke’s Hospital. In 1965 they moved into a new 25-bed facility, as the old one would no longer meet the requirements of the State Department of Health of North Dakota.
The Benedictine Sisters of Sacred Heart Priority transferred ownership and operation of the hospital to the Crosby community and area on July 1, 1984. It continues to be operated as a non-profit institution, which means that income in excess of operation is reinvested in salaries and benefits for employees, modern medical equipment and expansion.
In 2011, St. Luke’s Hospital welcomed Crosby Clinic from their downtown location to a new facility located on the St. Luke’s Medical Complex. Along with the Crosby Clinic moving to the medical complex, St. Luke’s Hospital underwent major renovations adding a new emergency center entrance and ambulance garage attached.
On May 1st, 2013, the former Good Samaritan Society facility and employees were welcomed to the St. Luke’s family, becoming the St. Luke’s Sunrise Care Center.
The Governing Body of St. Luke’s Medical Center consists of 9 members from the community. This Board defines the objectives for the medical center staff.